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Benefits Of Cycling: 6 Reasons To Start Now

No matter your age or fitness level, getting on a bike is good for you. The benefits of cycling can be felt by all. And it’s something more and more people are noticing as the popularity of cycling has soared in recent years. People are cycling to work; they’re cycling for fitness and leisure; families are spending time together on their bikes. Thousands have caught the bug.

Whether cyclists have been spurred on by the successes of UK teams in recent years or the health benefits of cycling, getting on your bike and pedalling do wonders for your well-being.

So, what are the benefits of cycling? The following should give you plenty of motivation to start cycling.

Cycling Is Low Impact — And Enjoyable — Excercise

Unlike other activities like running, cycling isn’t weight-bearing. The chance of suffering muscle damage or general inflammation is much lower because you don’t put as much stress on key joints – particularly ankles, knees, hips and back. If you’ve ever suffered an injury or struggled with joint problems, cycling is an excellent way to get back into physical activity and enjoy the health benefits.

If you’re a fitness fanatic, rest assured that low impact doesn’t mean low intensity. You can still get a decent workout in when cycling. Concentrate on raising your heart rate and challenging your limits. You can intensify a cycling session by:

  • Upping the incline – taking on those big hills
  • Adding resistance – move the gears up
  • Increasing the time or distance

You can protect your joints and push yourself when cycling, making the workout as intense as possible. What’s more, much of modern-day exercise focuses on dedicating part of your daily routine to it. You’ve got to drag yourself to the gym and get motivated.

Cycling is different. It fits into your day and is genuinely enjoyable. It doesn’t feel like exercise. Instead, it’s fun to get out in the fresh air and pick up the pace.

What Are the Health Benefits of Cycling? 

It’s not just about the more obvious health benefits – weight loss and improved cardiovascular fitness – but the longer-term effects. Cycling is great for your health and better lung health, an improved immune system, and a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. Many reports, studies and surveys cite just how good cycling is for us. Here are some highlights:

Being physically active means you’re less likely to develop high blood pressure. According to the NHS, regular exercise lowers blood pressure by keeping your heart and blood vessels in good condition. It also helps you lose weight and body fat.

Cycling builds muscle and bone density, increasing strength and stamina. The muscles in the lower body have to work the most—especially the quadriceps, calves, and buttocks—but cycling also works the upper body and the core.

Your posture and coordination will improve. When you cycle, you’re forced to keep a straight back, while holding the handlebars, steering, pedalling, staying aware of your surroundings, and signalling to other road users all keep your brain and body active.

Regular cycling contributes to the prevention of disease. Two papers published in the journal Aging Cell found that cycling keeps your immune system young, with older cyclists generating the same amount of immune cells (called T-cells) as young people.

Exercise is linked to better brain health, thanks to improved blood flow and the need to stay alert while riding a bike.

A recent study by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) looked at the effects of walking and cycling to work compared to non-active modes of transport. Compared to those who drove or took public transport, commuters who cycled to work had:

  • A 41% lower risk of dying from all causes
  • A 46% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease
  • A 52% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease
  • A 45% lower risk of developing cancer
  • A 40% lower risk of dying from cancer

Other factors that affect cardiovascular disease and cancer were well controlled.


Cycling is an aerobic activity – your heart, blood vessels, and lungs all get a valuable workout. Within no time, your fitness levels will improve. And over the longer term, you can expect to feel healthier and generally better – just ask anyone who already cycles regularly. They’ll confirm it.

You’ll also be exposed to less air pollution, adding to the health benefits of cycling for your lungs. A study by the Healthy Air Campaign, Kings College London, and Camden Council measured air pollution for different types of transport. According to the results, the car driver experienced pollution levels five times higher than the cyclist, three-and-a-half times more than the walker, and two-and-a-half times more than the bus user.

It’s Also Great for Your Mental Wellbeing

Not everyone cycles for physical activity. More people find it helps their mental health – regardless of why they get on their bike in the first place. In Cycling UK’s Rides of Way survey of almost 11,500 cyclists, 91% said cycling was fairly or very important for their mental health.

On the surface, it’s easy to understand why bike riding is relaxing. The fresh air and freedom to go where you want to offer a welcome relief from a stressful day. Whether it’s just a bad day in the office or ongoing issues, cycling can release tension and help you maintain balance. But what’s going on underneath? How does cycling benefit your mental health?

Two key hormones are involved with cycling – cortisol, the stress hormone, is reduced, and endorphins, feel-good hormones, are released. Cortisol is the hormone your body releases when facing stress. A certain amount is healthy, as cortisol helps your body perform in times of crisis.

But it also increases heart rate, blood pressure and respiration, as well as causing muscle tension, so too much isn’t good for you. Luckily, cycling reduces cortisol and has a relaxing effect on your mental state.

Any aerobic exercise also releases endorphins, which you might have heard referred to as ‘runner’s high’. You get the same feeling cycling, and it’s been proven to reduce anxiety and make you happier.

Cycling Can Save You Money — And the Environment

You can integrate cycling into your daily routine by using it as a way of getting from A to B. Whether that’s your daily commute or a weekend trip to the shops, you can get where you need to be – and you’ll still get the other health benefits of cycling.

Plus, you’re not paying for petrol or public transport. You’re using your fitness to fuel your journey. There are many schemes which encourage you to do so. One of the most notable is the UK Government’s Cycle to Work scheme, an initiative that offers huge savings on the cost of a new bike.

Employers buy bicycles, which they hire out to employees through a salary sacrifice. It’s cheaper because the government offers those businesses tax exemptions, so the savings can be passed on to you. You can buy the bike outright at the end of the 12-month hire period. Cyclists’ safety equipment is also offered as a tax-free benefit.

Schemes like this are not only great for you, but they benefit everyone. They reduce city traffic, promote healthier journeys, and reduce environmental pollution. Cycling tends to be quicker than other transport methods and more reliable – not to mention you won’t get stressed driving in traffic. The case quickly builds up.

It Improves Your Sleep 

Although tiring, cycling also has a relaxing effect. Any regular exercise can improve your circadian rhythm—your internal sleep/wake clock that cycles between sleepiness and alertness. It works by reducing stress levels—a common cause of insomnia—and tiring you out. This helps you get to sleep and keeps you asleep for longer.

But it’s important to find the right pattern for you. If you find cycling in the evenings livens you up too much, get on your bike earlier and benefit from the extra energy throughout the day. When you go to bed, you’ll feel ready to rest.

Cycling also gives you a break when you’re awake. It helps you stay aware of what’s happening around you – rather than letting your mind wander off. This is often referred to as mindfulness. It can help you re-focus on the present moment instead of getting overwhelmed with racing thoughts.

You’ll Make Friends When Cycling

Some days, it’ll be just you and your bike. You might pass a few other cyclists on your route. But cycling can be as social as you like – you can encourage friends to get on their bikes, join cycling clubs, participate in competitions or join community rides.

Around the UK, there are clubs for all levels. It might seem daunting to turn up at first, but cycling clubs are friendly places. You’ll find a welcoming bunch of cyclists and loads of advice and support from professionals or new enthusiasts. People tend to find some great friends at cycling clubs, too.

Try Cycling UK’s list of member groups across the UK or British Cycling’s online club finder. There will be rides and events for your ability local to you.

Join one today and start reaping the rewards of cycling sooner than you think. And should you need a secure place to store your bike at home, check out our bike lockers.


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