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Showing the single result
Emailed one evening for some details, got a response first thing the following morning. Placed my order for a semi-vertical rack which turned up well within the expected delivery times. Putting it together was easier than I expected it to be. Very impressed with the company and the rack. Wouldn't hesitate in recommending them. ...read moreread less
From my very first enquiry, Jessica and her colleagues were patient with my many questions, pr ompt at responding, flexible in difficult times arranging the install, and the two installers were smart, polite, tidy and informative - I just feel sorry we could only fit an 8 cycle shelter - they deserve to have much more business from us! Thank you all. ...read moreread less
I bought 5 of the vertical bike racks and they are exactly what I needed. We built a shed to s tore the bikes and the company was really helpful when I asked for dimensions and suggested distances between racks etc. One thing to note is that if a bike has a front mud guard it may not fit - we have had to remove it from my daughter's bike. Otherwise great product and good customer service. ...read moreread less
High-quality products, reasonably priced, combined with excellent and speedy service. Highly r ecommended. ...read moreread less